Download the Specialized app

Smartphones running operating systems iOS 15+ or Android 9+ are compatible.

For iOS users 

  1. Find the Specialized app in the App Store. 

  2. Tap Get to download.

  3. Tap Open from the App Store, or tap the Specialized app icon on your device.

For Android users

  1. Find the Specialized app in the Google Play Store. 

  2. Tap Install.

  3. Tap the Specialized app icon to launch the app.

Create an account or login

Once you've downloaded the Specialized app, you can sign in using the same email address and password you use for other Specialized applications (, Mission Control, Ride, Retül), or you can create a new account within the app by tapping Join Specialized

After you set up your account, you will receive an email with a link to verify your account. 

Note: The password must be at least 8 characters including 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 number.