I just completed a service with my local retailer. Why is it not listed in my service log?

If your retailer is not an authorized Specialized retailer, your service will not be listed. If your retailer is an authorized Specialized retailer, please wait up to 24 hours after your service for it to show within the app. If the service continues not to show, please contact your retailer.

How do I change an upcoming service date?

Please contact your local authorized Specialized retailer to reschedule your service. Once you do so, the updated service date will appear in the app.

What data does Specialized collect and why?

Specialized collects technical data from your bike while it is connected to the app. This allows us to understand bike usage, log bike status data, and analyze error information. The data also enables us to create better products in the future and to better support you in the event that you experience any issues with your Turbo. If you have any concerns related to privacy, please visit www.specialized.com/privacy-policy.